Sunday, 24 February 2013


What is the reason behind advertisements in mediums such as Television, Newspaper, Radio, Internet?
What is the motive behind signing a brand ambassador?
What is the purpose of participating in Exhibitions??
The Answer to all this questions is simple word Called Awareness.
Awareness can  be about the Company, Company Policies, Product, Product features or Achievements
Awareness is the key word. More the Awareness more the visibility. This leads to better recall in the customer’s mind during his decision making process.

Fresh Lime is actively involved in helping its clients spread awareness through Exhibitions. A Company’s stall/display is a reflection of the company & its policies. It is a medium to showcase its products, a platform to directly interact with the customers, spread knowledge about the company’s product and also gain insights into the buyer’s mind.

Fresh Lime is an Exhibition solutions provider  with its services encompasses Branding, Advertising, Events, Exhibition & Management .

For further details about our work & creation, visit us on , Follow us on Www.freshlime. in.